Maccabi Elite Tel Aviv completed this evening a perfect season with a third title, the Israeli Premier League Championship with a 3-0 sweep over Hapoel Samsung Tel Aviv. Maccabi won 103-85 for its 11tth championship in a row and the 44th since 1954.
Bothe teams missed thei ejected players (Baston & Lubin) and Maccabi played also without the injured captain Gur Shelef. The first quarter ended with a 23-16 lead by Maccabi which was increased to 56-36 at half time. At the end of the third Maccabi led 82-60 and finally they won by 18 points.
MVP of the final game of the season was David Bluthenthal who completed a great season with a magnificent display of 20 pts in 62%FG, 13 rbds, 3 ass & a blocked shot. An excellent game also for Nikola Vujcic with 22 pts in 83%FG, 5 rbds & 3 bsts and Sarunas Jasikevicius with 22 pts in 62%FG (6-9 for three pts) & 8 assists.