The tired hero from Moscow did not rest this evening at the NOKIA Arena and beat Hapoel Galil Elyon/Golan 107-83 in the second game of the playoffs semi finals.
After a moving farewell ceremony from Oded Katash, the Yellows, without Vujcic but with Saras at his best, started strongly and at the end of the first period led 27-19. At half time they held a 55-39 lead and at the end of the third period 84-62.
Coach Pini Gershon used his bench players for long periods and most of them did well. Maccabi had 71% in 2 pts FG and 46% in three pointers (13-28). They pulled down 37 rbds & dished out 27 assists.
Tal Burstein was the top player with 20 pts, 6 ass & 4 steals. Saras scored 23 pts )5-8 for three) and had 6 assists.