Four days before their opening game in the Euroleague vs Polish champions Prokom Trefl Sopot, Maccabi Elite Tel Aviv crushed Elitsur Eldan in Ashkelon 106-75.
After an even first half (47-42 for Maccabi), the visitors completely dominated the third period (33-14) due mainly to a strong defense. Coach Pini Gershon used all his 12 players (Arnold & Penney were left out). Sharon Shason played more than 19 minutes, Yaniv Green 16 min and even young Omri Casspi played 6 minutes.
In spoite of a poor game from behind the perimeter (3-15), Maccabi had 55% in FG . They dominated the boards (45-25) and made 23 assists and only 12 turnovers.
A great game for Msceo Baston with 20 pts in 83% FG & 91% FT plus 6 rbds & 2 steals.
Other Maccabi scorers: Burstein 18 pts, 9 rbds & 4 ast, Vujcic 15, Solomon 14, Parker 12 pts, 5 ast & 4 rbds, Green 7, Sharp 5, Shason 4 pts & 5 rbds, Dotan 4, Kadosh 3, Casspi 2, Fanan 2 pts.
Top scorers for Ashkelon: Kurtz 25 pts & 12 rbds, Pledger 17 pts.