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Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv Grants Liran Or’s Wish

Just before the start of the Passover holiday, Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv, together with the Make-A-Wish Israel foundation, made 17 year old Liran Or Mashraki’s dream of meeting the players come true.

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Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv Grants Liran Or’s Wish

By Amy Samin

Just before the start of the Passover holiday, Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv, together with the Make-A-Wish Israel foundation, made 17 year old Liran Or Mashraki’s dream of meeting the players come true by inviting her to attend one of the team’s practices.

During her visit at the arena, Liran Or was given a tour of the Maccabi Hall of Fame, had her picture taken with the Euroleague trophy and the Israeli Cup, visited the locker room and the press room, and met with club chairman Shimon Mizrahi.

Liran Or was given special treatment by all of the players, including her favorite - team captain Yogev Ohayon. She received a game jersey with a special inscription from Yogev, and a new laptop provided by the Make-A-Wish foundation.

The players were very moved by the meeting with Liran Or and her family, who came away strengthened by the meeting and with a wide smile on Liran Or’s face.

The Israeli affiliate of Make-A-Wish International was established 18 years ago by Dennis and Abby Bar Aharon. Since that time, more than 2,300 wishes have been granted so far.

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