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Watch: Maccabi players visiting children at the hospital

The annual Maccabi players hospital visit was emotional as ever. Yogev Ohayon: “We came to make them stronger and instead they made us stronger”. Guy Pnini: “happy to spread light wherever we can”. Sonny Weems: “Happy to see their smiles”

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Maccabi FOX Tel Aviv players arrived to Schneider hospital for their annual visit. Per tradition, they walked around the different children sections of the hospital, handing out gifts, hugs, pictures and of course posing for selfies with one goal in mind – to put a smile on the children’s faces.

“We’re happy to be here, it’s already a tradition”, the team’s captain, Guy Pnini, said, “for me it’s my 8th year doing this. Hanukkah is a holiday that lights our lives and that’s what we’re trying to do – bring some light to their lives. For us, it adds perspective. Their victory is the real victory”.

Yogev Ohayon added: “We meet beautiful children and re-attach to them every year. We came to make them stronger and
instead they made us stronger”.
Some of the team’s business partners took part as well. Clothing company and title sponsors, FOX, contributed clothes, while Marchello Enchilini, the owner of Franchi Real Estate bought candy packages for the kids. Domino’s pizza handed out t-shirts, towels and pizza coupons.

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