Was brought up in Ironi Ramat Gan. In the last two seasons played for Hapoel Galil Elyon
2005/06 averages in the Israeli Super League: 27 min, 16 pts, 6 rbds, 3 asts. 2 pts 58%, 3 pts 29%, FT 67%.
2005/06 Euro Cup averages: 32 min, 19.2 pts, 6.3 rbds, 1.7 asts. 2 pts 70%, 3 pts 25%, FT 72.4%. Played in the Euro Cup Allstar game & scored 10 pts.
Won the silver medal with the Israeli team in the 2004 European U.20 Championship in the Czech Republic. Was ranked second scorer of the 2005 European U.20 Championship in Russia with an average of 18 pts and was elected to the Allstar team. Also played in the U.21 Championship World Championship in Argentina.
A member of the Israel National Team.
In June was the 44th pick by Orlando Magic in the NBA Draft. Was traded to the Houston Rockets.